Monday, June 23, 2014

Coming Along...

In between all the rain and work and the rest of life I have actually managed to progress with the structure...
Nearly there.
The boys are enjoying ut already.

Tuesday, June 10, 2014


Right. Been surfing a bit. Tops.

I have decided to rebuild the bay and get into some more boards thanks to the inspiration of a guy in Hawaii who works in a very small place making some lovely boards. Thanks Bud.

Also been doing a heap around the house. This has been a priority for the last couple of weeks. A play cubby / fort for the lads...Coming along nicely...

Minds going crazy about some more board designs and really enjoying surfing of late.

Snow season is coming (well its here but the snow isn't!) as well so into it!!!

Thank you beautiful Claire.

And yep. The bay is going in that shed...woot