Monday, June 27, 2011


Claire has inspired me to be a little adventurous with my shapes.
I am glad she has. I have always wanted to try an asymmetric planshape.
I have also been toying with the idea of a blunt nosed board and after the Zed Sled felt so good I have gone a little further on that front as well...

Wouldn't know what to call it. I am shaping it for a mate of mine who is just finishing his Phd and I promised him a board for his birthday as well...
He likes two boards I had made in the past so I combined the two!

5'6.5" (yes, thats right) x 19.5 x 2.4. Flattish deck, medium rails and lots of edge. Roll into single into double ith a little kick in the tail on the swallow side.
Haven't decided on Thruster or quad yet. Might work that out with him. He likes the quad but might be a bit tricky with placement on the roundtail side.

Hopefully I will get to ride it a bit first!!!!


lor said...

with that tail it will surf as a fish on rights and as a roundtail on lefts...pretty sick-o..
maybe it should have a reversible concave too...meaning..similar bottom and top, so if i feel weird in one direction because of the tail, i can do a 1/2 kickflip and turn it upsidedown...mad

coolio man!

lor said...

plus..if you want to go that about a thruster set up, with possible 3 fin on left, 2 on right, so when catching rights it will behave like a quad, and when a twinfin..
that's me rah-rahring