Tuesday, January 29, 2013


Spent the afternoon with the current owners of our new house on Sunday and they are a pretty awesome family.
Nice way to 'exchange' and am looking forward even more to moving in and getting settled.
Tomorrow is the day. Lots of work and the moving will start.

bring it on.

Monday, January 21, 2013

But who's counting?!...

9 days till we settle.

That's right. 9 days until we start our lives in our first family home.
Pretty amped let me tell you!
We are getting some work done first thing because my lovely Claire knows that once we are in there I will re prioritise and certain things will never get done!
So we can start moving stuff straight away regardless and that's just tops.

Monday, January 14, 2013

Getting closer...

Only a few more weeks and we will be in our new place.
Can't come soon enough, let me tell you.
There is so much we would like to do to make the property 'ours' but the problem is; Where do we start?!

I'm thinking a nice new workshop / Garage...Oh yeah.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Your own little piece...

Thats the drawcard. The dream.
Your own little piece of grass. Somewhere to call your own.
Fuck me, what a misnomer.

EVERY body wants a piece of your piece when it comes time to handle the money.

Take all that out of the equation and yes, buying is way more economical than renting when you factor in the end result that you own a property.
But when you look at the government bending you over and removing your hard earned for the 'right' to get into debt and purchase a property they have nothing to do with, it gets a little upsetting.

Don't even get me started on lawyers and banks etc...

This will all play a big part in who I put my vote behind in the upcoming years.

'You pay a price for every existence' I guess...

True dat.