Monday, December 12, 2011

More bite...

Had a great session on the 5'10" over the weekend...
Yes, I am actually still riding the same board. To be truthful though, there hasn't been much to have a go on around this time of year... Had to take out some smaller wave boards on occasion but my hand was forced!
Anyways, the shallow single/double on the 5'10 has me thinking maybe a deeper concave? It does feel a little 'stiff' for want of a better word, backside off the bottom so maybe a deeper concave and a little more curve on the rail???
Might throw swallow tail on it as well for a little more bite when the waves are a little juicer...

Completely different board really!!!!

Monday, December 5, 2011


I took delivery of this board I built a few years back that had been passed around a few of my mates on the North side.
The second Jellybean.
I have such fond memories of this board. Especially in so so surf.
So it is well and truly past it's use by date. Trashed actually. But the stringer and bottom are good enough to use to make anothery.
Thought long and hard about changing this and changing that...
But after much deliberation, I am going to try and get as close as possible to the original.
Maybe an inch shorter.
Oh, and Zeke's choice of colours though!


It can get quite depressing around this time of year.
Low period, windswelly mush. And 10 times as many people in the water...
Bring on Autumn!!!

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Reality check...

Lets face it. I am crap at surfing.
I vary in my skill set so much that some days I often wonder if I grabbed the same board I had yesterday. Seriously.
So, anyways. All this talk and bleating on about design and fins and ra ra ra has lead me to a big reality check.
I am never going to be able to evaluate a board's design properly, unless you count smile factor which occasionally completely reignites my stoke for surfing, so I have given a couple of my boards to a friend to have a lash.
he is a very experienced surfer and a very level headed bloke so I look forward to his feedback.
he has Justin (the original) and the asymmetrical twinny...

Fingers crossed I have been in the ball park!!!